05/04/2007, 10:40 AM | #1 |
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ROWA vs. PURA phoslock?
ROWAphos claims to eliminate silicates as well as phosphates, whereas no such thing is suggested with PURA. IUO is one superior to the other, or is it jus the same stuff?
Running out of media, andy
2013 President of the Greater Iowa Reef Society www.iowareefs.org Current Tank Info: 120 Gallon Tank, 96 DIY LED's on 3 channels, 30gal sump/fuge, 4x2x0.5' & 40gal frag tank, SRO Ca rxr, GSA Kalk rxr, SRO 3000 skmr, Gen-X PCX40 Return, 2xMP40w's, 1xTunze 6101, 140lbs LR, SSB, SPS all the way! |
05/04/2007, 11:27 AM | #2 |
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ive used rowa and its works superb never used phoslock sorry but have used phosban,df&s and they all seem to be under the same playing field as rowa. another thing to look into is phosguard from seachem its a aluminum phosphate remover and works within hours and does a great job and reducing level from 5.0 to .0 within days or hours. that for sure removed silcates i know phosban does also but not sure on phoslock try the phosguard you would every go back to rowa or any iron based phosphate remover again.
05/05/2007, 07:09 AM | #3 |
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I'm a ROWA user also and find out it does a good job up to now