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Unread 05/20/2007, 06:38 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 2,990
best skimmers for $50 $100, $150, $200, $250 and $300

For those of us without unlimited income what do all of you feel are the best skimmers for $50, $100, $150, $200, $250 and $300?
I will start off with my picks:
$50 odyssea ps75 no joke it is cheap, built decently and works out of the box It will put a back-pack, remora, and seaclone to shame!
$100 I have never owned one but the via aqua sk200 or sk388 look real good at this price point, out of the box.
$150 Aquaeuro classic 135 or Octopus nw 150 they are very similiar. I like the aquaeuro body better, but the octo pump is better. Kind of a toss up here.
$200 Octopus NW200 or aquaeuro 250 classic. Same as above.
$250 DAS Ex-1, a nice small skimmer out of the box with a nice pump. Good workmanship too. I think a modded nw200 or aquaeuro 250 would be better, but these are un-modded recommendations.
$300 Hands down the aquaeuro classic 400, huge well built skimmer body with crappy pumps. The pumps work fine, but are inefficient and could be replaced with better units. This is a BIG skimmer, so it may not fit everywhere. A smaller good skimmer would be a aquaeuro 135 recirc or even the recirc 265 (not that much smaller). Most of the octopus recircs are either too small or out of this price range, except for the recirc 150, which is comparable to the 135 recirc, but more expensive.
Note: there was a post on the classic 400 thread that stated the aquaeuro pumps had exposed metal, I have not checked mine, but if that is the case they come off my list. Inefficient pumps can be replaced, and work fine for what they are, but I will not endorse dangerous ones.
I believe that these are all under the price point of the vast majority of skimmers promoted on RC, and probably the price range of many of the readers of RC I am just promoting some decent, inexpensive units.

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