08/08/2007, 05:20 PM | #1 |
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Large eel Catching and QT
Im getting a dragon eel soon and it will be one of the larger eels i have kept im just wondering how i would go about catching one to put it in QT i just want to be prepared so i dont get caught with a 1500$ eel dieing in the tank and me not being prepared to get in QT in case of ich.. Any Ideas
08/09/2007, 09:43 AM | #2 |
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From what I've read, eels can't contract ich. Might be wrong, and if so someone please correct me.
08/09/2007, 10:08 AM | #3 |
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If you're going to drop that much money on an animal, why not try to find a fish vet to do some diagnostics to screen for problems before adding the eel to your tank? There's a sticky at the top of this forum to help you locate an aquatic vet in your area.
08/10/2007, 08:22 AM | #4 |
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We just did an observational QT for our dragon moray but he went into a tank by himself. Just don't be alarmed if it does not eat at first. I believe our dragon moray went like 3-4 months before it started eating then it would eat like gang busters lunging out of the water to get at the food. Then they slow down with their eating and go on and off feed at times like other eels do.
08/10/2007, 09:01 AM | #5 |
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Eels very seldom contract ich, and thats due to thier excessive mucus coat. But there is that rare occasion (especially if they aren't healthy or a poor water quality issue) that they due become infected.