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Unread 08/27/2007, 10:27 PM   #1
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My 75g Plan

Hey guys,

I registered a while ago when i had my 15g. Anyways, i upgraded that to a 46g bowfront and had it going for a few months. I had 2 clowns, 1 chromis, 1 cleaner shrimp, and my beloved Bicolor angelfish named Maverick. Sadly he never ate (which i knew they are hard to keep,but i went for it anyways. They are my all time favourite fish). Then when he died, i got a smaller guy, named him Junoir (after Maverick of course). He did awesome for a few weeks, very active, a big eater, and was sooooo cool! Sadly one day i woke up and he died during the night The next week the tank was torn down... Here are some pics...

Nemo and Jacque

Coral and Maverick

Jacque, Junoir, and Nemo. They were such a cute happy family. I miss them all now

Anyways, I sold the tank (i was too busy to care for or enjoy it at the time) and have the itch to get back into SW fish. Im 17 now, and next year im off to Univeristy to study Landscape Architecture, and when i graduate, and find a place to live (where i will be for at least 5-10 years) i will get back into reefing.

I want a 75g or maybe an 80g, and it will be a FOWLR tank. Im not too familiar with those tanks dimensions though, I thought a 75g was 48" x 16" x 24", but i may be wrong? If so, can you guys help me out please.

This is my plan...

1) Sell my 46g bowfront i have (with stand, canopy, and the tank).
2) Look for a used 75g or 80g tank with stand, and lights.
3) Buy used things, such as a heater, mag 5+, an overflow box with tubing, salt, and a few other things.
4) I will also look for a UV sterilizer, test kit, and RO unit for cheap, probably used.
5) Once i have my basic necessities in dry things, i will look for used sand (aragonite prefered) and live rock.
6) Get the tank setup, and my goal or plan is this:

75g tank on a stand, with a 10g sump below. Have an overflow box running from the tank threw tubes to the sump, have some LR rubble, sand, and chaeto in the sump to pass through. I will place my Remora skimmer here, as well as my heater, thermonitor, and the UV sterilizer. It will then be shot up the mag 5 back to the tank threw 1 outlet. The tank will have about 1"-2" of aragonite sand on the floor, and the tank will have at least 80-100 lbs of good quality live rock setup in a natural way with caves, paths, and openings. I will have a few powerheads around the tank giving currents, and as the tank is a FO i will just be using a flourescent bulb probably, i will still look for a 50/50 marine bulb though, like i had for my 15g tank (actinic and daylight)...

Inhabitant(s) wise, i would like:

- clean up crew (will decide later)
- 3 chromis (they will also be the first fish after the cyle is complete).
- 1 cleaner shrimp
- 1 clown (percula probably)
- 1 yellow tang (have always wanted one, and this tank will finally be able to support one )
- 1 more active fish. Im thinking a small angel maybe. Not a pygmy, but maybe a coral beauty or a flame would be awesome. Also thought about a kole tang, i love those guys!

Now, i have a few questions for you all

1) How many watts would make my tank safe regarding a UV sterilizer? would a small 9w be ok?
2) Does my fish list look ok for that tank size?
3) Should i get a quaranteen tank, or do you think i will be fine as long as i get my fish from reputable GOOD dealers?
4) For a overflow box and return pump... how does that work? Do i need to have the same sized tube for each way, and that will keep my water levels good and not create overflowing of my sump? Or does one have to be thicker than the other? Or does it matter on the size of my return pump (say a mag 5)? I've never done a sump before, so i'll need help lol
5) Will a UV sterilizer take away all the possible chance(s) of my fish getting ich or other illness'? Or does it hardly do anything to prevent illness'?

I will be updating this thread regularly, and if anyone can help me out with my questions along the way that would be terrific. I would greatly appreciate any help. Also, if anyone has a 75g or 80g tank, and would like to include pictures of them, that would be awesome aswell!

Thanks so much,

Dr. Dolittle

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Unread 08/27/2007, 11:01 PM   #2
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Here's a quick diagram

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Unread 08/27/2007, 11:10 PM   #3
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Stay away from coral beauties, they don't generally fare well for most people. Other than that, your stocking list looks pretty good, that's not a very heavy load. Personally, I am not the biggest fan of, nor an authority on UV sterilizers, so somebody else can answer that. QT is ALWAYS a good idea, but not a necessity. If you are talking about hang-on overflow boxes, I would nix that; just buy a tank that is already drilled if you want a sump. A sump isn't requisite, but it is a nice place to put a skimmer and a refugium. You don't necessarily need either of those on a FOWLR tank, but they are a big plus. Personally, I wouldn't have a tank without a skimmer and a place for some chaeto. If you are really worried about disease, try to stick to the hardier species.

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Unread 08/27/2007, 11:10 PM   #4
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Good start, keep us posted.

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Unread 08/28/2007, 07:36 AM   #5
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Awesome, thanks so much guys

Really? I heard coral beauties were very hardy and lasted a long time? and yes, i like the looks of tanks with hardly any fish... but the fish in them are colourful, and graceful as they swim. Such as the stunning bright tang, the wiggly orange clown(s), the small bright blue chromis', and i think i would like a nice bright flame angel. Not only do their colour and size attract me to them, but i also love their body shapes. They are such gorgeous fish!

I wasn't sure if i wanted a drilld tank. I've never had one. We will see, it all depends on the type of tank i see someone local is selling. If there is a used 75g with stand, canopy, and it's drilled, I'll go for it! But if its not drilled, but a great deal, i will still probably get it. Why don't you recomend HOB overflows?

Thanks again for the other tips. I just thought i would ad a UV sterilizer, sump, chaeto, and overflow to make this tank better then the ones i have had before. As you can see my above previous 46g was filtered by a HOB Hagen Aquaclear 70, a powerhead, and my remora skimmer. It was fine and worked great! However i didn't like the look of having the heater, skimmer, and other things showing. I like them hidden

Can anyone help me out with this question?

"4) For a overflow box and return pump... how does that work? Do i need to have the same sized tube for each way, and that will keep my water levels good and not create overflowing of my sump? Or does one have to be thicker than the other? Or does it matter on the size of my return pump (say a mag 5)? I've never done a sump before, so i'll need help lol"

That would be great!

Dr. Dolittle

-*-*-* Planning My 75g Dream Tank *-*-*-

Current Tank Info: none at the moment, 75g in future
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Unread 08/28/2007, 08:44 AM   #6
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I've never used an HOT overflow, I've just not heard good things about them. They are supposed to be noisy and unreliable, but don't take my word for it; talk to somebody who's had one.

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Unread 08/28/2007, 09:15 AM   #7
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HOT Overflow isn't to bad > I have a pump that keeps the siphon on it so it doesn't lose prime.

It can be a little noisy but like most things there is tricks to get them to be less noisy.

Basicly it is like having an electric window or manuel > both get the job done, one is just easier and takes less effort.

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Unread 08/28/2007, 10:21 AM   #8
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Originally posted by dr.dolittle
Awesome, thanks so much guys

Really? I heard coral beauties were very hardy and lasted a long time? and yes, i like the looks of tanks with hardly any fish... but the fish in them are colourful, and graceful as they swim. Such as the stunning bright tang, the wiggly orange clown(s), the small bright blue chromis', and i think i would like a nice bright flame angel. Not only do their colour and size attract me to them, but i also love their body shapes. They are such gorgeous fish!

I wasn't sure if i wanted a drilld tank. I've never had one. We will see, it all depends on the type of tank i see someone local is selling. If there is a used 75g with stand, canopy, and it's drilled, I'll go for it! But if its not drilled, but a great deal, i will still probably get it. Why don't you recomend HOB overflows?

Thanks again for the other tips. I just thought i would ad a UV sterilizer, sump, chaeto, and overflow to make this tank better then the ones i have had before. As you can see my above previous 46g was filtered by a HOB Hagen Aquaclear 70, a powerhead, and my remora skimmer. It was fine and worked great! However i didn't like the look of having the heater, skimmer, and other things showing. I like them hidden

Can anyone help me out with this question?

"4) For a overflow box and return pump... how does that work? Do i need to have the same sized tube for each way, and that will keep my water levels good and not create overflowing of my sump? Or does one have to be thicker than the other? Or does it matter on the size of my return pump (say a mag 5)? I've never done a sump before, so i'll need help lol"

That would be great!

Dr. Dolittle
I've had an overflow box on my 75 for years. It works via gravity; what's pumped up has to come down. You just have to make sure that your return pump (on my tank, it's a Mag 7) minus any "head" that it has to fight against (as in height it's pumping and bends in the line) doesn't exceed the capacity of the overflow box to drain that amount of water. You also want the flow fast enough to clear air bubbles, which isn't that hard. Good idea to put a ball valve on the return line after the pump so you can adjust the flow. The size of the respective lines doesn't have to match, but larger sizes (like 1 inch) are less restrictive than 3/4 or 1/2 inch sizes. I believe my drain line is 1 inch (dimension of the Lifereef overflow output), and my return line is 1 inch spa flex, but they don't have to match. The output on the Mag 7 itself is 3/4 if I'm not mistaken.

I originally had a Mag 9.5 on the return, but thought it was too much flow through the sump. Reducing it gives my skimmer a better shot at the water.

Also, regarding your diagram, I think you'll need some type of light source to keep the chaeto alive in the sump. This can be a clip-on shop light from your local home improvement store.

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Unread 08/28/2007, 12:51 PM   #9
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Thanks guy so much guys

Tennsquire... Thats great info and is very helpful! So all i have to make sure is that the water line in the sump (and tank) aren't going down or up, and to fix it i would just adjust the flow on the pump? Im going to be using clear tubing from a pool shop probably (safe of course) so i can get it cheaper. Also you say you have a mag 7, is that good for that sized tank, or will a mag 5 be too little?

Good idea about the light, i forgot to draw it in. I will be using the incandescent lighting that came with the 10g. I put 2 flourescent screw in bulbs in it now (the tanks setup with a goldfish)... so that would work great im assuming?

Ok guys, i have gotten help by cougarman, and have a few questions regarding online stores and item(s)... Here they are (ones im interested in):

1) Would this UV Sterilizer be good? 9watts, and is suited for up to 125g tanks. Its $119.99 CAD, does anyone know if that is a good price?

Or this one?

2) Which light would be better (meaning better value, make, brand, and which would be brighter/make my tank look better)? It would be a FOWLR tank at first, but knowing me i would probably ad some xenia, polyps, shrooms, and anthelia's in if i found some frags for dirt cheap.

T-5 (2 x 28w) $69.99

PC Satellite (2 x 65w) $184.99

3) Which heater would be best?

Hydor- shatter proof 300w for $39.99

Stealth Subermsible Heater 250x for $37.99

4) Which RO would be best? (Im totally clueles when it comes to thse things)... Also, would i need an RO or a RO/DI? Whats the difference between then, and which is best?

Thats my updated news and the online shop/items im looking at... If anyone could help that would be awesome

Dr. Dolittle

-*-*-* Planning My 75g Dream Tank *-*-*-

Current Tank Info: none at the moment, 75g in future

Last edited by dr.dolittle; 08/28/2007 at 01:05 PM.
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Unread 08/28/2007, 01:59 PM   #10
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Also, do you guys suggest i get new aragonite sand? Or find a local reefer with used aragonite that already has a lot of life in it? I will be getting Live rock from local reefers for sure, to save tons of $$$

Dr. Dolittle

-*-*-* Planning My 75g Dream Tank *-*-*-

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Unread 08/28/2007, 02:22 PM   #11
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Get new sand if you are going to use established rock.

T5 lights blow pc away

The stealth is sitting in my back room broke down after 4 months, it is releasing current into the water and does not even come close to keeping temps from swinging out of control. The Stealth (250) heater for me, was horrible. I do not suggest it but im sure others will say they are the best. I also used their visitherm on my cichlid tank and it broke as well. It actually broke in the tank...

RO is reverse osmosis.
DI is de ionized

A RO/DI unit passes water through any number of prefilters and then a RO membrane Wich removes most impurites. DI is a stage of the filter after the RO membrane, it gets all the bad stuff out that might still be in there that the RO membrane may have let past.

The Filter Guys is a real top notch company who i have dealt with quite a few times. They are hands down the best out there when it comes to taking care of a customer and i love my RO/DI unit from them.

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Unread 08/28/2007, 02:29 PM   #12
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I use that same t5 fixture on my 55g sump and i like it for the most part, i put two 10k bulbs in it tho.

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Unread 08/28/2007, 02:36 PM   #13
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I should have looked at all your links before posting.

The first filter you show is a RO membrane and a prefilter. The second one is a DI unit of some type, maybe dual stage DI, im not sure because i did not really read it =-) Normally you would want both of those to make a RO/DI "unit". I know spectra pure is supposed to be the king stuff but id call the filter guys and listen to what he has to offer.

Look at their units if nothing else so you get the idea of how it works. If you Have questions call the number and talk to them, they really are amazing to deal with.

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Unread 08/28/2007, 03:03 PM   #14
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where in ontario are?

you can use a local reffers sand to help seed the new sand you got. so if you use a bit of both new and already jumpstart your cycle.

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Unread 08/28/2007, 03:23 PM   #15
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Wow thanks guys! Good tips.

Ok so for the lighting. If i find a tank, stand, and canopy in good shape, i will buy it (my budget is $300 for all that). After all light isn't an issue, as it will be a FOWLR tank for the first year at least. However if i find a tank and stand for $200 or something, and it comes with a REALLY dated or broken canopy, i will get that and just buy one. I like that T5, it's a good deal and would work. I have heard amazing things about T5's but have never had them. That ones a 2 x 28w, 50/50, so do you think it would work well and give me a good amount of light to view the real colours of my fish and rock? Or what. Thats the main reason id want to upgrade the lighting, to get bright, good colours out of my fish.

Thanks about the tips on the RO and heaters too. Very helpful!

Im in Ontario, Guelph to be exact. Thats a good idea about the sand. There are a few reefers i know closeby (within an hour) that could possibly help me out with a sand sample from their established tank Thats also good becuase i like the look of brand new sand fresh out of the bag. So clean and nice lol.

ps- Do you guys think i should get a UV sterilizer? I wanted it to take away the chances of my fish getting sick, but i found out that they don't do that... but rather clear the water and remove a few things. Is it worth it to get a UV sterilizer, or should i put that money into getting something better, or more fish lol

Dr. Dolittle

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Unread 08/28/2007, 04:02 PM   #16
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Don't put it into a UV or new fish, put it into a better skimmer.

That's the intelligent answer.

What would I do? Buy more fish...but I'm not always bangin' on all 8.

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Unread 08/28/2007, 07:34 PM   #17
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LOL good point...

Ok i thought of some new stocking list posabilities:

-3 chromis
-2 clowns
-1 yellow tang
-1 niger trigger (small guy, would sell when he gets older)

Either that... or this:

-3 chromis
-2 clowns
-1 yellow tang
-1 kole tang

Dr. Dolittle

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Unread 08/29/2007, 01:10 PM   #18
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New Idea...

Get my 75g tank, and see how it goes. Get some nice fish, and stock it well. The only reason for that, would be to upgrade to a bigger tank Im thinking a 100g-125g. That is only if the 75g runs smooth and i have the money, space, and will be living in the same place for at least 5-10 years. If not, i will keep the 75g lightly stocked, until i find and settle in to a home where i will be for many years.

What do you guys think?

Dr. Dolittle

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Unread 08/29/2007, 06:39 PM   #19
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Instead of saying "im going to get a 75g tank for sure" like my mind is set on... I've decided im going to wait the few years THEN decide what size tank i will be setting up. I will be buying a used tank (tight budget) so it will depend on what sale i get at the time when im ready to start my full out tank journey/diary.

For example, if i was ready today... I would have a new tank in my house lol

That is so becuase i found a brand new drilled, 90g tank that has never touched water before, as a brand new sump that is brand new aswell. Both for only $200! How amazing of a deal is that. So, needless to say i really want to buy it, and just keep it in storage... however we have no room Urgh! I also know someone who just got a 120g tank, sump, canopy, and stand for $100! which is an even crazier deal!

So, i will have to wait to see which tanks people are selling when i have the time, space, and money to start it. It will be at least a 75g (i will not go smaller than that), and at maximum a 125g. Im hoping to find a 90g, or a 120g though, both of those tanks look so nice, and are perfect sizes. I am looking for a drilled one now, as i do not want to have just an overflow box. To cheap and risky. However i may settle on a tank, and get it drilled myself for $30 from the LFS.

Fish wise, i have a new plan aswell.

Say i find my 90g or 120g for cheap and purchase it... i will be going with:

-3 green chromis
-2 true percula's
-1 powder blue tang

I will be going with hardly any fish, as i really want a powder blue tang. So to increase my chances of his survival i want as less stress on him as possible, so no competition for tank space, power, food, e.t.c. The smaller fish (chromis and clowns) are good as they will not fight or annoy with the PBT as much as a bigger fish would, such as a yellow tang, or hippo tang. If i do end up with a 120g and 125g, i may end up adding more fish, but i like the clean, bare looking tanks with a few bright, non-stressed out fish, and thats it... rather than a ton of fish that want to kill themelves or carpet surf lol

I have also decided to skip the RO/DI unit, and get a much better skimmer. Like a MUCH better one. Can anyone help me out with a great made skimmer meant for a FOWLR tank up to 125g. Any suggestions would be awesome please, hopefully someone with experience will help

So these are the tank specs i will have then:

Tank: 90g or 120g
Stand: not sure yet
Canopy: not sure yet
Substrate: aragonite
Live Rock: about 100lbs (i don't want too much to take up Swimming space for the PBT)
Salt: Will use IO (love that stuff)
Heater: 300w (probably)
Sump: 30g-55g
Pump: Mag 7 (at least)
In sump: Cheato, LR rubble, heater, skimmer, UV sterilizer
Skimmer: ____________ (help me chose a good one please)
UV sterilizer: 9w at least
Temp: I like it at about 80
Salinity: 1.024
Ph: 8.2 or so
Background: want to paint a nice blue (which paint is best? Spray paint? or can someone give me some good makes please?)


-clean up crew (will be decided later)
-3 chromis
-2 true percula's
-1 powder blue tang (3" baby)

Thats all i can think of as of now... Hopefully you guys can help me out with some of my questions

Dr. Dolittle

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Unread 08/29/2007, 09:18 PM   #20
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Can anyone help me out? Thanks,

Dr. Dolittle

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Unread 08/29/2007, 11:17 PM   #21
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You will regret in the long run not getting a RO/DI unit. I would reconsider this as well. If money is tight, the ASM skimmers have worked good enough for me. They are not the best, but they work and are a decent price. I have the G3 on my 75.

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Unread 08/30/2007, 07:01 AM   #22
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I know i regredted not getting one for my 46g, let alone a bigger tank. But money will be tight, so i think i'll investin a much better skimmer and the UV sterilizer first... THEN get an RO/DI.

Thanks for the tip. Do you know how much they are approx?

Dr. Dolittle

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Unread 08/30/2007, 07:10 AM   #23
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Unread 08/30/2007, 04:11 PM   #24
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lol thanks for the link

Ok, so i went to one of my LFS and there was a lot of variety! 3 or 4 powder brown tangs, tons of clowns, many yellow tangs, and lots of other fish. I was about to leave... until i saw an employee put a few new fish bags into the water (new shipment). I go take a look, and in the one... what do i see? A STUNNING 4" powder blue tang *melt*. I could not stop watching this beauty! Even though he was in the bag, he was swimming around, very healthy, had a lot of personality. If only i had a tank setup today, i for sure would have kept him in the bag, and gotten him *sigh*

On another note, i looked at all the tanks. There was a 75g, pine stand, lights, and glass canopy for $529.99. It's a good deal, but i can find better used. There was also a 125g with lights, and glass canopy, for $419.99. As well as a 125g with lights, and glass canopy for $519.99. All gorgeous tanks for sure, but as i said i will be looking for a used one for sure to save hundreds. I have decided i want a 125g though They are the perfect length! Has awesome height, the length is perfect, and the depth is great! I will take my time when the time is ready to find one for cheap but in good condition. I then looked at all the fish and weighed my options, and for a stocking list for a 125g I like:

-5 chromis'
-1 powder blue tang
-1 false lemonpeel angelfish
-3 anthia's
-2 true percula's

All those fish are stunning, and would work well together. It would give me a lot of colour, and movement, without being too crowded and stressful on the inhabitants. What do you guys think about that stocking list?

Dr. Dolittle

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Unread 08/30/2007, 04:15 PM   #25
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Do you mean "false lemonpeel tang" or a "lemonpeel angel"? Doesn't matter, they'll all fit nicely into a 125, you could add a lot more to that stocking list.

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