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Unread 04/23/2008, 03:53 PM   #1
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Cadlights 39g questions


I am considering buying a CADLIGHTS 39g signature series. I have written a email to CADLIGHTS and have not received a response about what I want. Maybe someone that has a 39g cadlights tank can answer some of my questions.

Can a 39g tank be bought minus some of the parts?

if so...

will a Eheim 1260 pump fit in the pump chamber? (pump dimensions 8.6"x4.6"x6.3" )

will a Eheim 1250 pump fit in the pump chamber? (pump dimensions 7.1"x3.8"x4.7")

Will a Tunze 9002 skimmer fit in the skimmer chamber? (Dimensions: 4.9" L x 2.1" W x 13.3" H)

I have a Current USA Sunpod HQI Lighting System (20'') that I am thinking on using on it (if the tank can be sold seperately), so I was wondering if I can't get the tank alone, are the lights on the 39g reliable and quiet?

How do you rate the other equipment included with the 39g? (I am going to have medium bio load)

Does anyone have a auto-top-off system on thier CADLIGHTS, and if so what brand is it and how well does it work?

I know the Finnex can come with a 250 W halide, besides heat, what benefits would a 250 watt have over a 150 watt on a 39g? (250 seems like asking for heat issues imo)

Is the "chiller" (which is just a fan) quiet?

Is the stand quality? What is the black stand made of?

If someone could post the dimensions of the filtration area I would be appreciative.

would it be easy to mod a SCWD into the back to have two returns, one in the current location and another on the other side?

Any other info or opinions would be helpfull.

Thanks again,


72g bowfront / custom sump / Icecap 660 / 4x110 watt VHOs / 2x65 W PCs
12g jbj nano cube 2x18watt PC

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Unread 04/23/2008, 07:44 PM   #2
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Hey Lars,
I will give this a go and hope I answer most of your questions.

The pump chamber is about 5.25"LX5"WX18"D.
The total rear chambe is about 23"LX5"WX18"D.

A tunze 9002 will fit in the skimmer chamber.

The stock equipment that comes with the tank is decent. The light works well and is quiet. It is a bit big and kind of odd looking. But as far as doing the job it is suppose to do it works great. The skimmer is really nice. It takes some tweaking to get it to work as good as it can but is a nice skimmer. Fairly quiet. In my opinion once you do a few simple mod's it skims much better than the 9002. I have a tank with the stock skimmer and one with the 9002 on it. So I have experience with both on this tank. I do not use the bio balls or the uv light that come with the tank. No issues with either. I just prefer not to use those items. The cooling fan that comes with the tanks is actually going to be different for new orders than that of which is out already. The fan I have been told will be a bit smaller in size and quieter. So I cant give an opinion on the cooling fan. They are due to be in stock next week or so.

I have a 2 of the black stands and 1 of the cherry stands. The cherry is real wood and very nice. The black is more of a pressed board or something on that idea. Not real wood. But they are still very sturdy and I have no complaints with them. I like the looks of the black stands. Much easier to match the rest of the furniture and paint etc. in my house with the black than the cherry. The black is kind of like a powder coat finish. But its a laminate. Hinges are good quality.

I use 3 of the JbJ auto top offs on my tanks. Have not had any problems with any of them.

As far as putting an SCWD in the back you would have to drill the glass to do it. There is a piece of black acrylic that is glued to a piece of glass for the rear chamber wall. I had thought of doing the same thing at one time. But I changed my mind. What I have done is put a Fluval canister filter on 2 of the 3 tanks I have. What I learned by doing this is that the slower flow going to the back chambers has helped quiet down the waterfall effect. It is pretty much silent with this set up. I currently have the intake for the canister filter in the pump chamber. The return is attached to the bulkhead fitting. On the display side of the bulkhead I have a hydor flo. In the display I have a modded MJ power head with a sure flow kit and a Hydor nano. This is on my softie and Lps tank. It makes for a nice diverse flow pattern with the different GPH out of the 3 sources of flow.

As you can see I am a fan of the CAD tanks. Have 3 at the moment. I like the looks of the tanks and am pretty happy with the equipment that comes with the tank. However I only run the stock light on one tank. This is for a couple reasons. One I wanted a black fixture on one of the tanks and another tank I didnt want metal halide. But on the one tank that the stock lighting is on it is working just as designed.

Last I knew you could not buy just the tank. But it was possible that Eddie at some point was going to sell just the tanks. If you pm me I can give you a name and place where I have got all my CAD tanks and the service is super. You will get answers to your emails almost instantly most of the time.

Well I hope this helps. Any other questions you can pm me or ask them here and I will check back.

Good luck.

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Unread 04/23/2008, 10:33 PM   #3
Brent Thomann
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tagging along.

Thinking about getting the sump version, why didn't you get the sump version Jay-sun?

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Unread 04/24/2008, 08:34 AM   #4
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same question


I am tagging along to and was wondering the same thing. I was looking at the sump version of this tank...



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Unread 04/24/2008, 09:28 AM   #5
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Several reasons I didnt go with the sump version on the 2 39 CAD tanks.
My 34 gallon Custom was drilled for a sump and closed loop before CAD even offered a tank with sump. What I found was that going with a sump there wasnt any room in the stand for a top off tank and alot of the other equipment needed. So I ended up with a top off tank behind the tank and alot of clutter around the tank. I wanted to avoid this where the 2 39 gallon tanks were going. I wanted to be able to put the top off tanks in the stands and limit the clutter around the tanks. Also the plumbing and such needed on a sumped tank was kind of a P.I.T.A. Getting the tank quiet and not gurgling was a chore. The constant worries of power outtages and floods was bothersome. I live in the mountains in NH. We have a ton of power outtages through out the year. Having had one of my larger tanks flood my living room from a power outtage I always fear it will happen again. So one sumped tank is enough.
So pretty much the short answer is simplicity and neatness.

Currently the 34 custom tank is being run sumpless. I capped off all the bulkhead fittings and I am using the overflow box to hide the heater, intake for a canister filter and the pump that supplies the HOB fuge. This tank is going to be an SPS dominated tank and I am actually in the planning stages of setting this back up as a sumped tank. I am debating on whether to drill another hole in it so I can go the herbie route and try to get it as quiet as possible. Also looking to go with a bigger stand so I can fit the sump, top off tank, Calc. reactor and equip. in the stand so it isnt so cluttered around the tank.

Well I hope this makes sense to you guys. Any other question ask away.


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Unread 04/24/2008, 01:14 PM   #6
Brent Thomann
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Originally posted by Jay-sun

Well I hope this makes sense to you guys. Any other question ask away.

yah, why do you have so few post over a years time? lol

sounds like you have a lot of nice setups. thanks for the information.

I also see you like RC Cars- check this out me too, they're a blast-

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Unread 04/24/2008, 01:16 PM   #7
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i think u should holler at ken over at oceanreeflections...he did me right on a finnex, but is also a cadlights expert.

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Unread 04/24/2008, 04:53 PM   #8
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the CAD tanks are nice, i bought mine direct from CAD. its great quality and style can easily be seen the moment you take it out of the box.

my lights are pretty nice, definitely one of the best strips i ever came across. the fans are a bit big but does a real good job in cooling the tank down. the sound doesnt bother me much since i only have it on less than 3 hours a day.

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Unread 04/24/2008, 05:50 PM   #9
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Originally posted by Brent Thomann
yah, why do you have so few post over a years time? lol

sounds like you have a lot of nice setups. thanks for the information.

I also see you like RC Cars- check this out me too, they're a blast-
Ive never been much into posting. Always spent most of my time reading and taking in all the info. Been dealing with some health issues since Aug. of 06 that were affecting my brain, motor skills etc. and just now getting back to being able to think somewhat straight and make sense of what im typing. Trying to get more involved on the forums and post at least a little bit here and there.
I also have a RSM that is home to a dwarf lionfish.

Rc racing is fun. Quite the toys you have there. I still have my boats, planes and helo's but no cars or trucks right now. Wasnt able to drive to any of the races so I sold all that stuff. I live right next to a pond and can use my boats there and have alot of open fields around me where I can fly. Its all alot of fun. Model railroading and reefing are my top hobbies now a days though.

I agree with Burt on OceanReeflections. Thats who I was going to recommend in the pm. Ken is super. I have bought all my tanks and almost everything else from Ken. I dont live near any LFS here in NH. When I first went looking for a CAD tank he was listed as a dealer. I emailed him and he got back to me within minutes. Some of the others I emailed I still have not heard back from. LOL. The service is super. So I dont mind paying the shipping costs. Most of his prices are spot on if not cheaper than alot of the other internet dealers. Again though the top notch service with a super attitude keeps me going back.

My photography skills are terrible. I have been practicing with a camera I got for Christmas. As soon as I can take a decent picture or 2 I will start a thread on my tank or tanks.

Any other questions ask away.

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Unread 04/24/2008, 09:01 PM   #10
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Jay-Sun, thanks for all your information, it has helped me make my decision easier. I am ordering a 39g signature series with black stand. Currently my 72 has all the extra rock already waiting, full of coraline, to be placed in the new tank when it is ready. I will talk with Ken at OceanReeflections, thanks for the recommendation. Best thing is, OceanReeflections is in AZ and that's not to far from me, so it makes sense to order it there.

Eddie from CADLIGHTS wrote me back and told me that currently the 39g signature series is not available as a tank only option. I'm ok with that, as I will sell the extra parts I have.

Jay-Sun, what few simple mods did you have to do to the skimmer to make it work better?

Thanks again,


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Unread 04/24/2008, 10:39 PM   #11
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Hey Lars,
I havent finished my skimmer mods yet. What I have done so far is raise the skimmer by placing a 2" foam block on the glass where the skimmer is supposed to sit. This will be easier to understand once you have the tank in front of you. What this accomplished is less water in the skimmer chamber and more room for the bubbles and foam to form. My next mods are a mesh mod, a gate valve in place of the valve that comes stock with the skimmer and possibly a higher grade pump. I am still trying to size up the pumps and find a good one that will fit. The gate valve it to give better control over the adjustment of the skimmer. The stock valve doesnt allow for a real fine adjustment. Again the skimmer works fine as it comes and none of the mods are needed but I like to mess around and try to get the most out of the equipment as possible. Thats something thats just in my nature.
I still hear or read of alot of people having micro bubble troubles. I know alot of guys put a piece of filter floss or a media bag over the end of the skimmer output and others have put a foam filter block for the water to filter through to get rid of the microbubbles. I have the canister filter in place so the micro bubbles are eliminated that way. I never experienced any micro bubbles with the tunze 9002 skimmer. But again I think the CAD skimmer actually does a better job. Not knocking the tunze cause it does a great job as well but the CAD seems to pull more gunk out.

Well HTH's with your question. Again just ask if you have more.


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