04/28/2008, 07:54 PM | #1 |
Independent thinker
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: fletcher, n.c.
Posts: 273
magnesium reducing green alae
I was reading several months ago that raising magnesium levels in my tank may help inhibit green algae growth. I can't find the thread that linked me to a diy mix. Can anyone help me with finding the proper mix for magnesium sulfate "epsum salts" I could make a paste or soup, but would like to fall in the middle and be able to do it again with exactness.
04/28/2008, 08:23 PM | #2 |
Registered Member
someone can probably point you to thread but the idea is to gradually raise your magnesium level to over 1500 and maintain it there for a few weeks. Magnesium chloride, not Mag. sulfate seems to be the key to success.
I personally had better results hooking up a Phosban reactor and running GFO.
insert clever saying here. Current Tank Info: 200 gallon custom Marineland DD peninsular tank. LPS dominated mixed reef. Previous 90 gallon mixed reef TOTM April 2009. |
04/28/2008, 08:51 PM | #3 |
Registered Member
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Bernardston, MA
Posts: 210
I read those posts and tried this method for HA. The object is to raise your mag levels up to 1600 ppm and within days to a week people saw results. I did not have any luck with my situation. It only seems to work on bryopsis. I have plain old HA and did not see any effect on it. My corals did perk up and open more so I did learn now to monitor mag levels where I did not before. Even though I wasn't able to rid the HA I had positive results. I'm sure someone here will have the thread. The most results people seem to have had luck with was with using Tech M.