02/13/2009, 03:34 PM | #1 |
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Does vodka dosing fuel cyano growth ???
I'm considering starting to do the vodka dosing regimen, but before I start, I have questioned whether or not vodka will fuel/promote cyano growth/outbreaks.
Specs........ 120 gal mixed reef (no sps) medium bioload (6-8 Fairy Wrasses, 2 gobies) sump w/ chaeto (lit 24/7) Das EX-2 skimmer 2 x 250 20K MH 10-12 times turnover (35% thru sump) Parameters pH 8.0 - 8.2 temp 78 salinity 1.025 Alk 8 Calcium 375-400 Mag 1400 Nitrates ~20 Phos - undetectable I am starting to see a VERY minor patch of hair algae starting to grow in the highest flow area in my tank. It is directly on a rock where my sump flow returns to the display tank. I also am beginning to see a small amount of cyano in the chaeto that is growing in my sump. My question is.......... If I begin to dose vodka, which as I understand will promote bacterial growth in order to limit/consume nitrates & phospates, will the cyano bacteria also benefit from the increased carbon source ? |
02/13/2009, 04:26 PM | #3 |
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But cyano isn't an algae....... It's a bacteria.
Won't the vodka dosing that promotes the growth of de-nitrifying bacteria also promote the growth of cyano since it too is a bacteria ? |
02/13/2009, 04:27 PM | #4 |
Crypt Assassin
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It should not fuel cyano growth. In the short run though, while you are trying to upregulate and increase the numbers of the bacteria you have, you may not see an immediate improvement and you may also see the cyano spread......as it would have anyway had you not dosed an additional carbon source. Cyano is a photosynthetic bacteria as well so it can still flourish if it is able to meet its nutritional needs. As a word of caution, many dose the additional carbon sources.....whether it be vodka or sugar......and for every success story, there seem to be as many or more for whom it has not worked. There is a little bt of exactness to it, so make sure you have a good source of info on how to do it and make sure you keep up. One more thing, not hating on the idea at all as I am considering giving it a try myself, but I would like to point out that very few of the great tanks you will see posted as TOTM here at Reef Central, are NOT tanks that resulted from vodka dosing. I think I have seen one that did it, but the vast majority do not.....just saying. Good luck.
The enemy of good enough is BETTER!! Current Tank Info: 60 gallon reef and 150 reef |
02/13/2009, 05:05 PM | #5 |
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Yes any carbon source can end up feeding many different bacterias including cyano. You will find many people who never had cyano until starting to dose Vodka or starting programs such as ZEOvit.
02/13/2009, 05:30 PM | #6 |
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yes it could
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02/13/2009, 05:33 PM | #7 |
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that's nice to know