04/03/2009, 07:14 AM | #1 |
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Will Ick be 100% destroyed if I.......
Take a fish, put him into 1.009 hypo for 2 months? I know there is a copper alternative too, but I want ot know about the hypo solution.
Will the Ick be totally iradicated and sease to exist if the fish is in its own hospital tank? |
04/03/2009, 07:16 AM | #2 |
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you need to take all fish out of your main tank for 6 weeks or so for ick to be totally killed off
then qt them for 6 weeks. |
04/03/2009, 07:18 AM | #3 |
It's what it's
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If you only have the one fish, then yes, if you treat with hypo or copper in QT the ich will be gone from the main tank. If you have other fish in with the one that you are seeing the visual effects from ich on and QT just that one fish, then no, the ich will still be in the main tank. All fish need to be removed and QTd with hypo or copper.
Freed Current Tank Info: 180gal(1120 watts of MH/VHO light), 60gal "sump", Deltec 601 calcium reactor, Euro Reef CS8-3+ skimmer, 20 gallon QT |
04/03/2009, 08:07 AM | #4 |
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I am reading that cysts in the gills can stay and survive almost indefinitly? Whats the best way to get them to release? Chase the fish with a stick and stress them out, lol? Okay, kinda kidding, but, if you have to be cruel to be kind..... Is there a study of what makes them want to release from the gills? I am sure environmental cues play the roll, but, whats the trigger? Temp? salinity? All the above? One more odd and silly question....... If this said fish really likes a rock and I get the fish out of the rock, take the rock and dry it out (without the fish in it), will that kill all ick and ick cysts that may be in the rock? Last edited by sikpupy; 04/03/2009 at 08:29 AM. |
04/03/2009, 08:28 AM | #5 |
It's what it's
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Hypo or copper will kill the ich in the gills or on the fish. Live rock---No need to do that if you QT your fish. Without fish to feed off of the ich will die.
Freed Current Tank Info: 180gal(1120 watts of MH/VHO light), 60gal "sump", Deltec 601 calcium reactor, Euro Reef CS8-3+ skimmer, 20 gallon QT |
04/03/2009, 08:30 AM | #6 |
It's what it's
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Where are you reading your info?
Freed Current Tank Info: 180gal(1120 watts of MH/VHO light), 60gal "sump", Deltec 601 calcium reactor, Euro Reef CS8-3+ skimmer, 20 gallon QT |
04/03/2009, 08:37 AM | #7 |
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No where good as of yet. First stop was saltwater-aquarium-about-dot-com . This is what they have
1. Tomont Stage Trophonts which have burrowed into the gills & formed cysts, protected by gill mucus. Trophonts can live in the cyst embedded in the gills almost indefinitely. No effective treatment at this stage. Yea yea, I now, not a authorative place, but I am just starting on this info quest. Guess next step would be wetwebmedia, but, i thought I would ask all questions here since I KNOW we all deal with fishy's. |
04/03/2009, 08:51 AM | #8 |
It's what it's
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Do you have a link to that site you posted above? I can't find it anywhere.
Freed Current Tank Info: 180gal(1120 watts of MH/VHO light), 60gal "sump", Deltec 601 calcium reactor, Euro Reef CS8-3+ skimmer, 20 gallon QT |
04/03/2009, 09:54 AM | #9 |
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Just checked your link, did not say what actually goes on in the gills though.
Yea, i have a link for you http://saltaquarium.about.com/librar...blichcycle.htm |
04/03/2009, 11:34 AM | #10 |
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ich can infest the fish in the gills. However hypo will take care of it no matter where it is. When the trophent is in the gills it can be protected byt he mucus. It cannot live in there forever. There is a stage in its life cycle where it needs to drop off the host. This is why when performing hypo you keep the fish in hypo for 6-8 weeks after you no longer see the ich. It may take a week or two before the fish looks clean of the ich.
04/03/2009, 11:36 AM | #11 |
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In response to your drying of the rock question...
There is no need to dry the rock. If the DT is fishless for the 6-8 weeks that you have your fish in hypo in QT, the ich will be gone. Ich cannot live without a host. If you have any other fish all will need to be treated. The DT must be fishless. |
04/03/2009, 12:04 PM | #12 |
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So, your saying that the ick can not and will not stay dormant in the gills?
04/03/2009, 12:06 PM | #13 |
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Not my article but a very good one:
Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans) One of the marine aquarist’s devils. So many articles have been written about it. Many are long or are in multiple parts. A lot is known about this marine fish disease because of the many $$$ put into research by the fish farming and aquaculture industries. First discovered (or the better word is 'noticed') in the 1800's and later more understood in the 1900's, we’ve learned about all there is to know about this parasite by the 2000's. I don’t want to write a long post on Marine Ich (MI) but the reader, in as brief of space as possible, should know some truths. The aquarist 'sees something' and then 'guesses' as to what it means and thus starts another round of rumors. It's almost a type of voodoo. It's easier to listen to a rumor of a short absolute statement then it is to read and understand the results of decades of studies and experiments. It is easier to try and take shortcuts with this disease by believing the parasite to be able or capable to do things or die from things it just can't, then it is to do the work to kill it, control it, or prevent it by the means that are known to work. It's time to separate out the rumors from the facts and the subjective observations (which start rumors) from actual scientific studies. In bullet form, here’s what is known: Life and Visuals: 1, The parasite has several ‘stages’ in its life cycle. Cyst in aquarium (usually on substrate, decoration, wall, equipment, or rock) ruptures into free-swimming parasites that burrow into fish, grow into a visible white nodule that is ‘pregnant’ with more parasites, that usually falls off the fish to form a cyst that starts the cycle over again. 2. Only time a human can see this parasite with the naked eye is when it is ‘pregnant’ on the fish and has formed a white nodule. (The white spot is about the size of a grain of table salt or sugar). 3. Parasites that have just burrowed into the fish are not visible until 2. 4. Cycle can be completed in less than 7 days, but usually within 24 days BUT can go as long as 72 days. Literature usually quotes ‘average’ number of days. 72 days is rare; 60 days usually encompasses more than 99.9% of the observations and research. 5. This is not the same as the freshwater disease, Ich (Ichthyophthirius multifilis) but it was named after it?! This leads freshwater aquarists to thinking the wrong things about Marine Ich, adding to the myths and rumors. 6. MI is not very sensitive to temperature changes. That is, increasing the temperature does not significantly decrease the life cycle time. This is not true with Freshwater Ich (which is where this rumor of raising the temperature on a marine aquarium with MI comes from). 7. MI can live and reproduce in temperatures as low as 50F and as high as 90F. Thus temperatures that would kill MI would first kill or severely stress most tropical marine fishes. 8. Spots appear then disappear as MI goes through its cycle. Remember 2. This 'disappearing act' is what leads uninformed aquarists to believe the fish are cured. This is the dumbest thing aquarists can possibly think about this parasite! 9. Parasite likes infecting the fish’s gills. The tissue there has more water passing by so there is an increase in chance the free-swimming parasite will get to the gill. This is one reason why fast breathing (over 80-90 swallows in one minute) is one of the symptoms of possible infection. 10. The parasite burrows into the fish, below the mucous layer and into the skin. (This is why cleaner fish/shrimp can’t get to it in order to remove them from the fish). The second dumbest thing an aquarist can think: I'll get some cleaner fish or cleaner shrimp to remove/eat the parasite. THESE MARINE LIFE DO NOT EAT THE PARASITE NOR WILL FISH OR SHRIMP REMOVE THE PARASITE FROM THE INFECTED FISHES. 11. Parasite is transmitted in water (free-swimming and cyst stages), or by falling off of an infected fish (even one that seems healthy because of 9.). This means that water OR fish from another aquarium can carry the disease to another aquarium. 12. The parasite can infect bony fishes, including eels, sharks, and rays, though many species of fish, like Mandarins, have a good resistance to MI, they can still be infected and can harbor or carry the parasite. Invertebrates, snails, crabs, corals, plants, etc. are not affected/infected by MI, but the MI can be in their water, shells, etc. 13. There is no such thing as a dormant stage for MI. The parasite can’t wait around for another host. It MUST go through its cycle. Dr. Burgess recorded that in the cyst stage, he found the longest existing cyst to last for 60 days before releasing the free-swimming parasites. This is rare but possible. 14. INTERESTING FIND: If no new MI is introduce into an infected aquarium, the MI already there continues to cycle through multiple generations until about 10 to 11 months when the MI has ‘worn itself out’ and becomes less infective. A tank can be free of an MI infestation if it is never exposed to new MI parasites for over 11 months. Treatments: 1. Hyposalinity - Using a refractometer, hold salinity at 11ppt to 12ppt until 4 weeks after the last spot was seen. (Best to use salinity, but if you use specific gravity, that equates to roughly 1.008 to 1.009 sp. gr. units). Raise salinity slowly and observe fish for 4 more weeks. Hard to control pH and water quality during treatment. This is the least stressful treatment for the fish. See: http://www.reefsanctuary.com/forums/...t-process.html 2. Copper treatment - Follow medication recommendations. Can be effective in 2 to 4 weeks of treatment. After treatment, remove all copper and observe fish for 4 more weeks. Copper is a poison to the fish and creates some stress. The fish may stop eating. See end of this post for other things that can go wrong. See: http://www.reefsanctuary.com/forums/...-problems.html 3.. Transfer method - Fish is moved from tank to tank to separate the fish from the cysts that fall off and the free-swimming stages of the parasite. Two hospital tanks are needed to perform this treatment. The fish is stressed by having to keep moving it between these hospital tanks. 4. Only the above 3 known cures work almost 100% of the time. Other chemicals will kill the MI parasite, but only in special conditions (not good for the fish) or in lab experiments (not using marine fish). Some chemicals will only kill some of the organisms, letting the others escape death to go on to multiply and infect. 5. Not any of the treatments can be done in a display tank with true live rock. Must be done in a hospital tank or quarantine tank. The hyposalinity and the copper treatment would kill invertebrates, live rock, and other non-fish marine life. Substrates and carbonates interfere with a copper treatment. 6. No known ‘reef-safe’ remedies work consistently. Many aquarists think a particular remedy works when in fact the fish acquire an immunity or defense against the parasite. It’s easy for any manufacturer to have an independent study done on the effectiveness of the ‘reef-safe’ remedy but they don’t because. . . 7. Cleaner shrimp and cleaner wrasses are not known to pick these parasites off of fish. (See 10. above). 8. Freshwater dips can kill some of the parasites on/in the fish, but not all of them because many of the parasites are protected by the fish's skin and mucous layer. (See 10. above). 9. No dip can get rid of these parasites because primarily of 10. above. 10. Let aquarium go fishless (without any foreign saltwater additions (e.g., water from LFS system, water from another tank or system -- use only distilled or RO/DI for evaporation and freshly made, uncontaminated salt water for water changes), without contamination from infected tanks, live rock additions, etc.) for at least 8 weeks and the tank will be free of MI. This 'fallow period' has over a 99.9% chance of success. 11. NEVER combine a copper treatment with a hyposalinity treatment. In hyposaline solutions, copper can be lethal to marine fishes. Defense and Immunity: 1. The fish’s mucous coating can provide some protection from the parasite. The mucous coating is where some fish immunity develops. 2. When water temperature drops, mucous coating is often reduced or lost in marine fishes, that is why sometimes MI becomes visible on the body of the fish after a sudden drop in temperature. This meant, however, that the disease was present and living in the aquarium, infecting fish without the aquarist having been aware of it. 3. No fish, no matter how good its defense is, can stop being infected. A healthy fish will and can be equally infected as a sick or stressed fish. What happens is the aquarists sees one or more fish with the disease and assumes because none are seen on the other fish in the aquarium that they are 'disease free.' NOT. Aquarists can't always see the parasites. See above top, 2., 3., and 9. All fish in an infected tank require treatment. 4. A weak, stressed, or sick fish will die sooner than a healthy fish, but is no more likely to get infected than the healthy fish. 5. A fish that survives an attack may develop proteins in the mucous coating that will help fend off the parasite (this is a type of immune response). An immune fish will usually not show being infected. Unfortunately. . .(see 6. below). . . 6. An immune fish doesn’t remain immune. Separated from the disease for months, the once immune fish can become MI infected. OR if the immunity weakens, the fish will be attacked. 7. Immunization seems to work, but not affordable or likely available to the hobby for many more decades. The immunization materials are hard to make, expensive, and slow to produce. Immunization usually only works for several months at a stretch. Subjective and Non-Subjective Observations, Claims, and Common Myths 1. Some Tangs seem more susceptible. True. Their mucous coatings are reduced in thickness and composition. They swim up to 25 miles a day in the ocean in search for food so maybe Mother Nature provided them with this as a means of 'escape.' 2. It goes away on its own. Untrue. Only visible at one stage IF it is on the body or fin of the fish. It’s the life cycle. If it was once seen, then it hasn't gone away -- it's just not visible to the aquarist. 3. It goes away with a ‘reef-safe’ remedy. Untrue. This is one of the biggest and most 'dangerous' of the misrepresentations in the hobby. The aquarist thinks everything is okay when it isn't. What usually has happened is that the parasite has killed the fish it will kill and the rest have developed a resistance or immunity. The parasite is still in the aquarium, possibly infecting the gills of the fish where it can’t be seen. 4. It was gone then when a new fish is added, it is there again. Not true. See 3. It wasn’t gone or the new fish brought in the disease with it. A new addition to an aquarium can be the stress which triggers the other fish to reduce their defense or immunity, thus allow the parasite to 'bloom' to the point where the infection is now visible to the aquarist. 5. The fish lived the last outbreak then died during the second or subsequent outbreak. Can be true. The fish had a resistance or immunity that it lost. 6. It was accurately diagnosed as MI spots, then never showed up again. It wasn’t MI or the fish quickly developed an immediate immunity or resistance, or the fish is still infected in the gills. 7. MI can ‘hang around’ almost unnoticed with just a body spot now and then because it often resides just in the gills. True. So ‘it is gone’ after ‘it was here’ is very unlikely. 8. Aquariums always have MI. Untrue. MI can be kept out of an aquarium. Just quarantine all fish and don’t let non-quarantined livestock get into the aquarium. After keeping thousands of marine fishes, my home aquariums have been free of MI since 1970. 9. Fish always have MI. Untrue. In the wild they often show up to 30% infected (or more) but the wild fish survive minor infections. In the tank the parasite can 'bloom.' In the tank the fish can't get away. The combination of bloom and no escape will overcome the fish. In capture and transportation the fish can share the disease and thus many wild caught marine aquarium fishes do have this parasite, but not all. 10. Like 9. a fish can't be made to be totally rid of MI. Untrue. All marine fish can be cured and rid of any MI infection. 11. Just feed the fish well and/or feed it garlic and it will be okay. Untrue. I compare this approach to this one: "Granny has pneumonia. Let's keep her home rather than take her to the hospital. We'll feed her well with chicken soup and vitamins." Nutrition, foods, vitamins, etc. don't cure an infected fish. An infected fish is sick and is being tortured by the itching and discomfort. It might pull through and obtain Resistance or immunity (see above) but while you sit comfortably in your home, the fish is being stressed by having to contend with a parasite. Don't let this happen to the fish. Cure it!! 12. A new cure has been discovered. Unlikely. If the aquarist thinks they have found a new cure, then have it researched and independently tested. It's easy and cheap. If it is as good as the above 3 then the professional veterinarians, private and public aquariums, fish farms, and I will use it. The aquarist needs to keep the perspective of how devastating this parasite is not to just the hobby but to the whole fish farming industry. Any new way of 100% treatment will make headlines! 13. If the MI can't always be detected, then why bother with a quarantine procedure? In the confines of a small quarantine and being there for no less than 6 weeks, the MI parasite will make itself known because the fish is weakened and the fish can't get away from being re-infected by multiplying MI parasites. In other words, the quarantine procedure instigates a 'bloom' of the parasite which will make it visible to the aquarist. 14. All white nodules fall off the fish and move on to the cyst stage. Untrue. It has been discovered that, on very rare occasions (why we don't know) the white nodule will encyst and rupture while still on the fish. 15. UV and/or Ozone kills MI. Ozone doesn't kill all parasites that pass through the unit, nor does the water treated with ozone kill the parasites. UV only kills the parasites that pass through the unit. Not all MI parasites will pass through the unit, so the UV will not rid an aquarium of MI. A UV can help prevent a 'bloom' of the parasites however, and thus help in its control. UV is not a cure nor a preventative measure for MI. 16. Spots are MI. Untrue. Probably one of the most problematic causes for rumors and myth-information in the hobby is assuming the spot is Marine Ich when it may be one of another few dozen other parasites or conditions (e.g., pimple-like reaction to infection) that look like Marine Ich. The mis-diagnosis is often the cause for claims of what cured MI, when the fish didn't have MI to start with. 17. My LFS quarantines their fishes for 2 weeks and I only buy them to be sure they are healthy and free of MI. Have you been reading the above? The 2 weeks is not long enough. Was the 2 weeks in isolation or is the fish's water mixed with other fish's water? Seeing is not believing, right? LFS employees don't have time to closely observe and study the fishes they have in stock, for a full 6 weeks. The truth is out there. . .Trust no one. PLEASE DON'T SPREAD RUMORS! |
04/03/2009, 12:52 PM | #14 |
Marquis de Carabas
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^^^^ just to give credit for the above article is I am almost sure the one written by Lee Birch, posted here http://www.reefsanctuary.com/forums/...ths-facts.html along with some other sites. He used to post on RC as well but hasn't posted in quite some time.
THere are very few organisms that can form cysts indefinately like brine shrimp and anthrax. 6 weeks fishless is a pretty good bet but 8 weeks is like 99.9%. Longest recorded I believe was 72 days in a coldwater tank.
Jeremy Brown liquor never hurt anybody “Je n'ai pas besoin de cette hypothèse" Pierre-Simon Laplace I should want to cook him a simple meal, but I shouldn't want to cut into him, to tear the flesh, to wear the flesh, to be born unto new worlds where his flesh becomes my key. Current Tank Info: broken and dry |
04/03/2009, 01:49 PM | #15 |
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Having to drop out of the gills is good to know, makes me feel 100% better, thanks!
I think I am gonna go with the 5g bucket 2 day water change switch while lowering salinity. |
04/03/2009, 02:29 PM | #16 |
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Are you doing this salinity drop in a qt tank?
This link will tell you how to drop the salinity safely in 36 hours http://atj.net.au/marineaquaria/hyposalinity.html sikpupy if you read #2 on the link you posted above it explains that the ich cannot live in the cyst and will drop out. It alos says hypo can cuase the cysts to explode. Please read the links on hypo very carefully. You can drop the salinity fast but it needs to be brought back up slowly. |
04/06/2009, 07:00 AM | #17 |
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That link says:
"Trophonts can live in the cyst embedded in the gills almost indefinitely." That was the only thing I was concerned about. Sounds like they are contradicting themselves, but, again, thats why I am here, to find the closest truth. I have the fishys in a 30? gallon long Steralite blue container. I have a Maxi-400 , 100w heater and a HOB aqua clear filter with a seeded foam pad and 3 little rocks (tennis ball size) from the aquarium. I have been dropping the salinity down 3-4 points every 12 hours. I have a drip from a 5 gal bucket running but it stopped last night sometime and went from 020 up to 021, grrr. Dropped the salinity to .018, set a slow drip and went to work. Thanks for the link kraze. |
04/06/2009, 07:31 AM | #18 |
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Okay, went to a drip calculater and I need 7 drips a minute to give me 1 gallon in a 24 hours. I think I am pulling around 30 to 40 drips which is too much to hold a salinity steady, but, I need to go down anyways so I have a little time to adjust, and it can help to automaticly lower my salinity much better than dumping fresh water in and shocking the kids.
I am using a air pump air valve thats hard to adjust for very slow drips. Does anyone know if the medical drip-stops work any better? I assume they do, but... |
04/06/2009, 08:21 AM | #19 |
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hyposalinity will kill Ich, regardless of if it's in the fish's gills or not. However, your display tank will have to remain fishless, NO FISH, for 8 weeks AND all fish, whether they appear infected or not, will have to remain in hyposalinity for 8 weeks. It's that simple. Leave your live rock alone. Just get all fish out of tank and into QT tank.
04/06/2009, 08:26 AM | #20 |
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DT is fishless. Fish are in thier own QT tank. I put the rock in to help with bio loads, least till the bacteria get killed off by the hypo.
04/06/2009, 11:33 AM | #21 |
Marquis de Carabas
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FWIW, I think seeding a filter is a good idea but as you say the bacteria may die off or go relatively dormant at lower salinity. I find the little seachem ammonia indicators are useful in QT, as ammonia can buildup very quickly. If I remember correctly lowered ph that you may run into with lower salinity makes ammonia more toxic. I could be remembering that wrong.
Jeremy Brown liquor never hurt anybody “Je n'ai pas besoin de cette hypothèse" Pierre-Simon Laplace I should want to cook him a simple meal, but I shouldn't want to cut into him, to tear the flesh, to wear the flesh, to be born unto new worlds where his flesh becomes my key. Current Tank Info: broken and dry |