08/11/2009, 08:40 PM | #1 |
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 3,803
thankful for great neighbors
Last evening we had some sever stormes move thru the area with very strong winds and massive amounts of lightning. during the storm my electic meter base was pulled from the house and due to sparking/shorting/saftey issues i had to have the electric company disconect my electricity at the pole.
my neighbor and i strung a coulple of extra heavy duty extension cords during 70+ mph winds/hail and extreem amount of lightining to provide power for my circulation and sump pumps (and other necessaries like fridge/lights/tv for weather info) my neighbor is a commercial electrician i was with out power for right at 24 hours while i waited for the storms to subcide, the electrician to reinstall a meter base and the power company to reconect the power at the pole and new meter base ZERO livestock loss thanks to a kind neighbor and he enjoyed the suprise pizza delivery for his households dinner tonight (paid for of course) i missed (very late check of) divers den last night and was a little late on checking tonight i havent looked at the update emails to see what i missed (my dream fish was probably on it and i might of missed it would be my luck) christmas wish list (hint to my wife) GENERATOR generator generator |
08/11/2009, 08:47 PM | #2 |
Reefing since '87
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Allegheny Mountains of VA
Posts: 2,162
I'm from OK. The only tornado I have ever seen in person there in my childhood. The weather does get agressive there.
The good news it that the weather forecasters there are the best in the nation. You should see the folks I have watched on other stations as I have moved about the country. Congrats on surviving. Nice of you to do the pizza... For generators, look larger than you need, they are generally underrated and also you should investigate true sine wave gens. They are more expensive but much better for running a tank in case of an outage of more than a few hours.
Have a good'un Current Tank Info: 90 gl SPS dominant / upgrade in the works |
08/11/2009, 08:53 PM | #3 |
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 3,803
Henry, i know what you mean about the weather forcasters.. i have traveld/been stationed all over the world and i have to say OK forcaster have a better handle on the weather aspects of the region than forcaster in other states/countries
thanks for the generator info |
08/11/2009, 10:20 PM | #4 |
Registered Member
Are there any homes for sale in your neighbourhood---that's the kind of neighbour I would like to live close to.
I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock |
08/12/2009, 05:36 AM | #5 |
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capin the neigbor is a rare neighbor to say the least..but the neighbor on the other side of me makes up for it plus some infact i have the exteems for neighbors..one is fantastic the other is a grouchy unhappy irritated couple who think that since they are so missireable that the whole neighnor hood should be under thier control and thier missery and they call the cops on atleast one member of the neighborhood a day and it could be from a twig laying in your yard from the storm the night before to you took the chance and said hello or waved so thats that..you still want to buy a house (i think the whole neighbor hood would like to sell the nasty neighboors house to be moved..with the condition that the mean grouchy couple that cant be pleased goes with the house'lol)
08/12/2009, 07:08 AM | #6 |
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Northern VA
Posts: 17,691
That was very kind of your neighbor to help you out and very kind of you to repay them with pizza. There are still good people in this world.
Adrienne The only thing to fear is fear itself....and spiders. |