12/14/2009, 04:47 AM | #1 |
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Philippines
Posts: 147
LED LIGHTING: Growth - Coloration - Response - ETC.
I have been reading a lot of posts, articles, etc. about how to make LED lighitng for reef tanks, what brand of LED light fixtures are best or brighter or best bang for the buck, how to add features, how to automate, and the list goes on.
What is so scarce are the results that it made compared to our traditional HO, VHO, and MH. I am not talking about results like "it did not last long, the darn thing burned out". I know that there are some people out there that has ran or still running LED's as their main source of light in their tank/s and has documented its effects on corals. Like myself. I've been running my tank on LED's for more than 8 months now on my 10months old tank. I am still hungry for more info on what i can expect next. I am mostly interested on CORAL COLORATION in my part. PLEASE SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES ON EFFECTS OF LEDs ON CORALS, whatever they may be. Through my years in the hobby, i've used HO, VHO, MH bulbs at different color temps to light my various and previous tanks. On most instances, i know what to expect out of them based on what other hobbyist are telling about it's effects. I am hoping that more people would share stuff like that about LED's as well. So to begin, i've had very good growths on my corals like i have if it was under halides. difference to me this time was that i have a NO3 problem with this tank, a 25ppm problem. Everything was good nonetheless, but sps coloration suffered a lot. It was like that since the beginning up until i've finally controlled it a couple of weeks ago. Been seriously battling it for a couple of months but finally got to get it stable at 0<5ppm 2 weeks ago. here is a specimen/frag straight out off the ocean... here it is few days later @ 25ppm NO3.... Now here it is after a couple of weeks in a ULNS.... here is another before and after.... LPS and other corals are doing fine inspite of high NO3 levels. here is photo of a part of my tank a few months back that shows some LPS and softies.... I hope i can get an idea from any of you guys on what to expect at coloration since i've got my system parameters all dialed in. 135gal DT/30gal sump ReefDragons RD-400 skimmer Algae Turf Scrubber Ammonia/NO2 - 0 NO3 - 0 PO4 - 0 CA - 440 Alk - 8-9dkh Mg - 1300+ Temp - 84F PH - 8.0 LED's 10,000K/450nm My only supplements are 2-part ALK/CA, DIY Magnesium, Iodine, Strontium. Instant Ocean saltmix mixed with 0 TDS RO/DI water. People, I need your thoughts on this, even if you are not running LED's. thanks! |