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Unread 10/26/2012, 08:03 AM   #1
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Skimmer advice for a newbie?

I am new to the hobby and need some help adjusting my in tank protein skimmer. The skimmer is a reef octopus NS80 I believe.

The main issues I am having is
1) I am not sure how to adjust the air flow to prevent the cup from filling with water.
2) The skimmer is way to noisy constantly making a gasping for air sound
3) I need to lower the skimmer a bit so that my tank cover fits properly

In this photo you can see the skimmer sitting in the back of my tank. The pump with suction cups is to the left with air line coming from bottom of pump up to the top. My questions - what is the purpose of the plastic pipe pointing up and the one pointing left? Should they (or can they) be submerged?

This is the view from the opposite side. The black "knob" on the collection cup does not appear to be a knob to adjust air flow. It's actually just a rubber cover over a nipple in the collection cup.

Here is a view of the skimmer lowered a bit so that my tank lid fits - it's making a lot of noise sucking for air and the collection cup is full of water. I don't see any way to set this up that it's low enough for the lid to fit but high enough for the bottom of the collection cup to be above the water line. Note, the cup is filing with water even when the bottom of the cup is above the water line as well. Does it matter if the bottom of the cup is below water?

I am open to any suggestions and have not been able to locate a NS80 manual online. Thankful for any help anyone can offer.

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Unread 10/26/2012, 03:34 PM   #2
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I'm on my phone so I can't see the pics. Is there a valve or knob that can be turned to control the water being pumped back to the tank? Sometimes its just a pipe you turn or raise or lower. Either way it need to be put in the position that lowers the water level in the skimmer, then slowly adjust it until the water level is optimal in the skimmer.
If the pump is sucking in air from anywhere other than the venturi hose leading to the inlet then the skimmer pump isn't deep enough.
The plug/nipple on the collection cup is to drain the cup without having to remove the cup off the skimmer body.
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How much deeper would the ocean be if it didn't have sponges?
P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sid

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Unread 10/27/2012, 11:29 AM   #3
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Hmm I can't seem to find anything to control the water level. There is no knob or valve that I can see. The previous owner tells me its a small tube on the bottom that twist but I can't seem to locate it.

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Unread 10/27/2012, 12:26 PM   #4
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I don't recognize the skimmer. If you can find the make and model, you might try to google an instruction manual. There must be an optimum operating depth, and if you have it sitting too deep, all you're going to get is a lot of water in your cup.

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Unread 10/27/2012, 01:33 PM   #5
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the piping there looks similar to the vertex i have except that the piece coming out of the top of your "T" is upside down. on mine that is used to control some of the flow out of the skimmer by rotating the sliced off piece of pipe in the "T" to allow more or less water to leave the skimmer... not sure if your output should be submerged though....

it looks to me that your water level outside the skimmer is at the same level as inside. try raising your skimmer up. from what i hear, optimal depth of water for skimmer to be in varies but it would seem that if you raise your skimmer so that the line out of the "T" is above water that will lower water in your skimmer so you won't have water in your cup.

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Unread 10/27/2012, 01:51 PM   #6
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Thanks everyone! I finally figured out that the T was upside down, flipping it over allows me to control water depth inside the skimmer. I have it working "okay" for now, it's not great, it's still getting more water in the cup than I want it too but it's as high as I can get it and still be able to but the solana trim kit on the tank.

I am reading the manual on the solana now. I realize that I don't have a good grasp on what each chamber in the back is doing so I am looking into if there is anyway to lower teh water level in the chamber with the skimmer without lowering the tank level too much. I don't think there is but I read somewhere it was possible.

For the person that asked earlier the skimmer is a reef octopus NS80 or OCT-NS80


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Unread 10/27/2012, 09:16 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by luvzz2play View Post
the piping there looks similar to the vertex i have except that the piece coming out of the top of your "T" is upside down. on mine that is used to control some of the flow out of the skimmer by rotating the sliced off piece of pipe in the "T" to allow more or less water to leave the skimmer... not sure if your output should be submerged though....

it looks to me that your water level outside the skimmer is at the same level as inside. try raising your skimmer up. from what i hear, optimal depth of water for skimmer to be in varies but it would seem that if you raise your skimmer so that the line out of the "T" is above water that will lower water in your skimmer so you won't have water in your cup.
i cant say that i have ever seen such a skimmer. maybe the only way to adjust it is rising and or lowering the skimmer depth in the water. almost looks like a home made skimmer

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