07/02/2016, 07:59 AM | #1 |
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 50
My 75g Saltwater Build (6 week project)
Hey all -
Just starting my 75g build, an upgrade from a 36g bowfront. Current plan is FOWLR, but I may move into corals...the tanks are so much cooler, but admittedly I'm a newbie so I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into with that. Seems intimidating. Comments, questions, concerns all welcome. I'm currently looking at how to plumb DT, as well as curing the dry live rock. Plumbing is my weakest portion, though I've purchased some nice, heavy-duty ball valves to control flow. Never have plumbed a thing in my life. Also need to better understand how to physically test if my sump will overflow if the pump is off. I know I'll still need lighting for the sump refugium (unsure what to get), possibly an overflow (unsure how to know if needed), some sort of battery backup for the return pump, maybe an ATO system as well. Only have about $400-500 left I can spend on this, so budget is a concern. I may add a 2nd light to DT, same as current, if lighting isn't sufficient. Current stock: 2 paired clowns, 1 midas blenny, @ 10 red legged hermits, @ 6-8 asterea snails. Future Stock: Looking to have a moderate amount of smaller, non-aggressive fish....though debating getting a coral beauty. I'd also like to explore some sort of crab if anything is smaller than an emerald crab...as low risk of a crab as possible. They're just so fun to watch. Last, a Mandarin is planned, so the sump will have a refugium for ample pod growth and is why I went with the elite model. I also wouldn't mind having an anemone for the clown pair to keep them more contained in a spot, but am unsure how to introduce that. Current Equipment
I plan to keep this as a journal, posting pics, etc. As good of a place as any. If anyone has any knowledge or good links, I'd appreciate any help I can get. |