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Unread 10/16/2016, 11:58 AM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: London
Posts: 4
Juwel 400 LED conversion

Hello all,

I am planning to purchase a Juwel Rio 400 (450 litres) and upgrading the T5 lights to LED. I plan to keep all kinds of corals which the T5s haven't supported in the past. I have been told it is the lack of hallide/LED lighting as my soft corals are thriving but I struggle with SPS and LPS.

I have had my eyes on the Maxspect range for a few years but didn't have the money. I am getting a good deal on the tank so using the saved money to invest in LED lighting.

My question is: The tank has 2 braces (20 inches across and around 18-21 inches apart) so the tank has 3 sections from the top (virtual) if you see what I mean. I am worried this would create shadow problems if I were to have a 420R model so ideally I won't be able to keep corals under the braces. What I was thinking was to get 3 nano 40 cm(15") lights and clamp these into the 3 virtual sections created by the 2 braces. My questions are:

1. Do you think these nano lights would be good enough?

2. If yes, would the lighting from the 3 nano lights be sufficient for 450 litres?

3. If yes to above, which ones should I get? 60w(8000k), 60w(10000k) or 70w(15000k)?

4. Or should I just get one 320w(15000k) Length of lights is 44.5" and the clamp stretches to 64.5" which will just about be the length for my tank (60"). The shadow from the braces will still remain an issue and it is likely I won't be able to have corals for about 8 inches on both sides of the tank.

I would appreciate some advice.

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