03/08/2017, 02:45 PM | #1 |
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It's been a while.... (getting back into it thread)
So, yeah, it's been a good ten years plus since I did any reef keeping. Back then I ran a sumpless 20gal nano with T5 diy lighting, a diy skimmer, sand, live rock, 3 or so fish, soft and hard corals, a fair mix.
It went pretty well. Until work changed and I had to shut it down (it was in my office. Lately I've found my self jonesing. A lot. Like obsessively so, and I just can't shake it. So like I always do anytime I get into something, I start reading. Ten years has meant a lot of changes evidentially. Equipment, methods, ideologies. The rise of some things, the apparent fall of others. Now, I don't claim to have read everything, or know *anything* at this point. Heck, I'm still trying to figure out if I want to go whole hog or start back up with another (slightly larger) nano tank. But with all the "new" that's out there, I find that I'm facing choices even before start up, that I've never faced before. AND wondering what I haven't found out that is going to make me slap my forehead later. So, like any newb, I have questions..... Algae Turf Scrubbers: Don't seem very compatible with having a refugium with macros. Seems like the macros would starve once you have the scrubber working properly. Most scrubbers look to run right from the overflow. What happens to particulate waste? Do you place a large particulate filter after them to catch shedding hair algae? Skimmer: I see lots out there running skimmerless, using different techniques. Most make sense to a point, but have little evidence or "readings" on which to base the results, other than experience and current tank condition. I'd love to run skimmerless. What does that do to the O2 content of the water? Lights: Probably going to stick with T5s, but I had a really hard time finding end caps. Is this tech getting phased out? Will I have to go LED? Again, still stuck in planning phase. All input is appreciated. |
03/08/2017, 02:52 PM | #2 |
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Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 8
Upon reread, don't get me wrong. I love the idea of an algae turf scrubber and will likely use one. That part sounded too negative when I read t back. But back in the day I always wanted a living refugium, mainly for pod production. I had a hard time having enough live food sources in that nano. I guess I technically had a fuge.... a separate 10gal one that I used to grow different pods. (And mysis tanks).
03/08/2017, 03:32 PM | #3 |
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I agree. A lot has changed. I just finished rebuilding my mixed reef and ended up changing a lot. Overflows, Skimmer, lighting , flow. As for T5, not as popular due to the advent of LEDs, but you should still be able to get end caps from icecap. That is what I use. I agree with your comment regarding ATS and macros in refugium. I think it is personal preference.
(1) 300g mixed reef (Starfire DT) + 100g Sump (2) 100g Softie tank (Starfire DT) My Build Thread: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=263472 |