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Unread 08/24/2004, 09:18 AM   #1
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Newbie with new fuge..Need some guidance

Hi everyone.

I am building a new sump with a fuge at one end, the return in the middle and the skimmer at the opposite end. I am calculating the fuge will hold approx 15 gallons.

I have 2 1" drains and plan on plumbing 1 drain to the fuge and the other to the skimmer section.
Should I use a prefilter on the drain that leads to the fuge?

What kinds of Macro algae are easily maintained and provide the most nutrient export?

Should I use a sand bottom?

What about any cleaners? Will they need more than the PAR38 HD bulb?

Thanks for any help.................... Joe

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Unread 08/24/2004, 07:20 PM   #2
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Unread 08/26/2004, 04:07 PM   #3
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Re: Newbie with new fuge..Need some guidance

Originally posted by Phoneguy982
Hi everyone.

I am building a new sump with a fuge at one end, the return in the middle and the skimmer at the opposite end. I am calculating the fuge will hold approx 15 gallons.

I have 2 1" drains and plan on plumbing 1 drain to the fuge and the other to the skimmer section.
Should I use a prefilter on the drain that leads to the fuge?

What kinds of Macro algae are easily maintained and provide the most nutrient export?

Should I use a sand bottom?

What about any cleaners? Will they need more than the PAR38 HD bulb?

Thanks for any help.................... Joe
I would not use a prefilter on the drain that leads to the fuge... Also start off with Caulapra for macro algae... Remember that caulapra needs light 24 hours/day in order to avoid going sexual on you..... I would create as much of a DSB as you possible can....Also place a piece of LR in the fuge and the critters you need for a 15 gallon fuge will be there..... A good plant light will be enough to get you going....

Hope this helps.....

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Unread 08/27/2004, 06:41 AM   #4
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Macro algae need light and nutrients to grow. The more light the better. Some people use their old MH bulbs over the refuge. Others use the HD bulb you refer to. They both work. If you are not getting the growth that you want from your macro algae, it is easy to increase your lighting at that time.

I would not prefilter your water to the refuge. There is no need and it is one more thing that can go wrong or needs maintenance.

If you are using your refuge to grow pods, etc to help feed your fish, then don't forget to feed the refuge area. If I feed blender mush to the tank, I also add a little bit to the refuge. If I feed flakes/pellets, I also add a little bit to the refuge. I have noticed a large increase in the number of pods since I started doing this.

As for type of macro - here is a thread that notes some of the macro algaes commonly used with comments - Personnally, I grew grape caulerpa (racemosa) for over a year. I used reverse lighting (opposite the display tank for most of that time) with no problems with it going sexual. From my reading, I believe that sexual reproduction happens when a plant is stressed (not enough room, lack of nutrients, etc) as the plant tries to ensure that enough "seeds" are spread that it will continue growing where conditions are better. I always pruned when the tank became 3/4 full and increased the flow until there was enough movement so that all of the caulerpa ball was getting some light. Then I decided to add other macroalgae - mangroves, red and green tang heaven (graciliaria), ulva, caulerpa prolifera, caulerpa paspaloides (feather caulerpa) and some chaeto. Nothing grew very fast and the feather caulerpa died. I removed the red and green tang heaven and ulva. They are now in a special algae grow out tank so I have enough to feed the tang. I still don't have great growth but everything seems to be living. There could be an issue with the plants excreting a chemical to prevent the other macro algaes from growing. I am still researching that.

I believe that Dr. Ron once posted that a sand bed had to be about 25 square feet to be effective. Your bed won't be big enough to use as a nitrate processor. Your sand bed will be big enough to promote the growth of worms, etc that will help keep that area clean. If you decide on caulerpa prolifera, it needs a sand bed to be rooted in. I would put sand in there (I have sand in the bottom of my refuge and also sump) to promote the growth of these bugs, etc.

I have a couple of hermits and a turbo snail in my refuge for clean up.

I do recommend reading this article -


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Unread 08/28/2004, 08:35 AM   #5
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Excellent Post........

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Unread 08/31/2004, 08:06 AM   #6
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Yes..I am very thankful for that post and link. I believe I will be going with Chaeto in my fuge.

My only other question is what type of critters do I put in? My fuge will be located under my main tank in a stand.

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Unread 09/16/2004, 05:30 AM   #7
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Sorry, I have been back to this thread in a while. If you want to grow pods, then you don't want anything but a snail or hermit. I put a couple of lr and some "clam shell" type shells from the hobby store in my refuge for the pods. I have a snail (welk) and a peppermint shrimp that I haven't been able to catch.



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