02/18/2006, 12:39 PM | #1 |
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Removal of Polyclad flatworms
Well now that capncapo has identified what I have in my tank (and after his picture I am 100% certain that is what it is) I need to know how to remove it. I guess this explains the reason I've been losing snails huh???? LOL. So anyway, anyone have any advice. I've only seen it as of last night and it wouldn't come out of the live rock, as soon as the light hits it it's gone. Someone has to know of a way to take care of these things, or is there something that will eat them, well actually it's pretty darn big so I'm assuming that's out of the question.
29 gallon bio-cube with 150w metal halide sunpod fixture, stock 14 gallon bio-cube |
02/18/2006, 01:19 PM | #2 |
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My guess would be to stay up at night with a flashlight and wait for your chance. Let it wonder out of the rock grab with some gloves on or use some tongs or something. I dont' know get creative.
02/19/2006, 03:49 PM | #3 |
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still haven't seen him again, anyone have any ideas?
29 gallon bio-cube with 150w metal halide sunpod fixture, stock 14 gallon bio-cube |
02/19/2006, 04:57 PM | #4 |
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if you know what rock he is in quarentine it or try a freshwater dip. If the rock he is in is unknown i guess patients or bait him with another snail. Put the snail somewhere safe like a bottle or something.
02/19/2006, 05:50 PM | #5 |
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Yeah I'm not 100% certain which rock he's in anymore because he didn't show up in the one I saw him in the other night.
29 gallon bio-cube with 150w metal halide sunpod fixture, stock 14 gallon bio-cube |
02/19/2006, 07:31 PM | #6 |
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well I think he may have moved on to the mollusks/clams whatever they are now. I was looking for hiim and found that one of the clams I had in the live rock is now shelled in half, been opened up and sucked out. Don't know of anything else in the tank that would do that. There is a peanut worm that shares the same cave as the late mr. clam and he's still in there, I guess they don't go after them huh?
Before the jack a$s came to town...(here we see Mr. Clam in one piece) Here we see it in two...
29 gallon bio-cube with 150w metal halide sunpod fixture, stock 14 gallon bio-cube |
02/23/2006, 02:00 AM | #7 |
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I would just like to announce that the official time of death is 2:54....Josh 1 Polyclad Worm 0. Turned the light on tonight and found the Polyclad eating one of my clams (little molusks or whatever they are on the live rock) and realized it was now or never. Pulled the piece of live rock out of the tank and put it into another container with enough water to cover half of the rock. I turned the rock over and over using a flashlight until I finally found where it was hiding. I used a pair of tweezers to attempt ot extract it but soon realized that it breaks apart VERY easily. Next step was to take a small air hose and blow bubbles into the area it was hiding, it worked, it moved to a new location that was easier to access and I was able to get a couple more larger pieces off. Then it went into hiding again. I couldn't find it and this went on for about ten minutes until I turned the rock over once more and it just popped out. I'm assuming at this point it must have been either exhausted or just finally done. The only distrubing part is once it was out I put the flashlight on the several large pieces and the main body and noticed they all reacted to light, even the pieces not connected???!!! I would have prefered not to kill it and even if I had to not in this way but it was the only way I could do it, and it has been eating my snails like crazy. I'm not going to post any pictures of it though. I'm just happy it's over with now.
29 gallon bio-cube with 150w metal halide sunpod fixture, stock 14 gallon bio-cube |
02/23/2006, 06:16 PM | #8 |
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Awww man dont leave us hanging I want to see the pic.