04/01/2006, 01:30 PM | #1 |
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Does dosing effect skimming?
I is the first time I a question on RC. I just started dosing with kalkwasser about six weeks ago. Now my protein skimmer is not working. It is a sea clone 150 and was working great before I started to dose. I use a drip to replace the evaporated water. I waited to see if it was just the tank stabilizing. Also my leathers are not doing so well. When I first turn on the lights they expand and looks great. About 5 hours later they reduce in size and go limp. Is that because of my dosing? I listed my parameters for last two weeks. I have never been able to get a reading on calcium. Is that because my calcium is too high?
Date 27 Mar 1 Apr PH 8.0 8.0 Temperature 84 84 Salinity 1.024 1.025 Alkalinity dKH 10.6 10.5 Calcium ? ? Phosphates 1.0 ? Magnesium ? ? Ammonia ? ? Nitrate 10.0 10.0L
What is man, that thou art mindful of him?...:) Current Tank Info: 55 Gal, DSB, protein skimmer, UV light, Sump/Refugium |
04/01/2006, 04:26 PM | #2 |
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The only real danger kalk dripping presents to corals is the potential for high pH -- which clearly isn't a problem in your case. As far as skimming, kalk dosing has always improved my skimmer performance (binds phosphate which the skimmer can then remove). So, to answer your question, I'd say no, kalk dosing doesn't negatively effect skimming. Your temperature and alkalinity seem to be on the higher side or normal -- that's all I can see with the information presented.
Unattended children will be given double shot espresso and a free puppy. Current Tank Info: 125g FOWLR -- Conversion Back To SPS In Progress |
04/01/2006, 06:12 PM | #3 |
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You should post in the chemistry forum and ask randy.
My guess would be that you are overdosing on the kalk. I think this because usually high alk means you have high Ca as they are balanced somehow. I would have someone else test for you and see if they can get a reading... Or try mixing up 1 gallon of fresh saltwater and testing that to see if it's your test kit.
-Lee Current Tank Info: 120g reef, 20g reef |
04/01/2006, 06:14 PM | #4 |
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You are right about the temperture being high. My fan broke and waiting for a replacement. I am perplexed about the skimming problem. Three weeks ago I cleaned the skimmer thinking that might help but it did not.
What is man, that thou art mindful of him?...:) Current Tank Info: 55 Gal, DSB, protein skimmer, UV light, Sump/Refugium |
04/01/2006, 06:22 PM | #5 |
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Lee I like the ideal of testing the Cal test kit on a gallon of fresh saltwater.
What is man, that thou art mindful of him?...:) Current Tank Info: 55 Gal, DSB, protein skimmer, UV light, Sump/Refugium |