11/17/2006, 11:00 AM | #1 |
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[help] high phosphate level
Hi the expert,
I just wonder if bad RO filter could be the cause of high level of phosphate in the tank? I'm experiencing the dark brown algea on my sand bed recently. I tested my parameters and found out that my phosphate is at > .5. The only change I made to my system within this recent 2 month was I change a set of new RO filters. (I don't have a TDS with me) Thanks |
11/17/2006, 11:11 AM | #2 |
Skunk Hybrid Freak
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It's difficult to pinpoint the cause if I were looking at your system, but here's a few things I'd suggest looking into having not seen your system.
I would test your tap water for phosphate, then test the output of the filter for a comparison. I don't know how old your system is, but I will say that I have had a small cyano bloom in the early months of every tank I've ever set up. It usually went away with little intervention. In the case of an established tank, I think the most common source is poor skimming and inadequate water changes for the system bioload. In other words dirty water. You might also try syphoning your sand taking care to insure that anything you stir up goes into the syphon (except the sand.) Increasing the water flow and making sure you're not over feeding may also help. One other thing. Obtain a sample of water from near the sandbed and test that for phosphate. You may find that the readings are higher there. I control mine with large water changes (30-60% per month) 50+ times the tank's water volume circulated per hour, and a bare bottom. The usual disclaimer being that I believe there are many ways to run a system right. This just happens to be what is currently working for me.
- Walter D. LaRoque V "The tanks go or I go." - Ex Wife |
11/17/2006, 11:30 AM | #3 |
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Try a phosban reactor. I had a hair algae problem for years that went away 1 month after adding the phosban reactor. For the first time in the 8 years my tank has been up I have zero hair algae and zero cyano. I am moving my turbo's to my refugium because if I don't they will starve to death in my display. Well worth the $50 start up cost.
My ship came in. Unfortunately it hit a reef. Current Tank Info: 110 gallon reef display tank, fish, LPS, SPS and mushrooms. A 75 gallon sump in basement with protein skimmer, 40watt UV sterilizer, RO/DI, refugium with chaeto, phosban reactor. 40 gallon frag tank. |
11/17/2006, 11:37 AM | #4 |
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Test the RO for phosphate, that will tell you if its the problem. I doubt it is.
its most likely just innefective skimming/flow/etc.
11/17/2006, 12:07 PM | #5 | |
Skunk Hybrid Freak
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I presume that you meant that there was something other than macro growing in there that the turbos could eat. If that is the case, it kind of erodes the theory of the phosban having removed the algae's nutrient source. Doesn't it??? Could there be something else eating the algae? A tang or something perhaps. Not trying to be mean, just inquisitive.
- Walter D. LaRoque V "The tanks go or I go." - Ex Wife |
11/17/2006, 12:19 PM | #6 |
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I've had good luck running the Phosban reactor. I had a problem with Cyno and some hair aglae, but after running the reactor for a one to two months it cleared up. It might be coincidence, but I dont think so...
11/17/2006, 02:47 PM | #7 |
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Wet sleeves,
After putting in the phosban reactor the growth of macro slowed to such an extent that my turbo snails were able to clear it from my tank. I tried everything else, RO/DI, DSB in my 75 gallon sump, increased flow in my display, Improved lighting, refugium with chaetomorphia, many snails, lighter feedings etc, etc, etc. These measures helped but I still had a fair amount of hair and cyano I could not get rid of. My tank was not overgrown, but macro was growing in the nooks and crannies. It was only after I installed the phosban reactor that the algae disappeared. Macro algae is photosynthetric and can hang on even with relatively low nutrient levels once it gets a foothold. I still get a light coating of algae on my glass that needs to be cleaned off twice per week but that is to be expected. My refugium lights are on 24/7 and had no snails in it to eat macro, so I was growing macro algae that is not hair algae to some extent. Because I never clean the glass in the refugium the algae does build up over time and helps to further aid in nutient export. I did not mean to suggest that adding a phosban reactor will solve everyones problem, but in my case after doing everything else I could to make life unpleasent for macro I still had some. Phosban did the trick. I will probably need to bring my snails to my LFS when they eat all of the algae in my refugium.
My ship came in. Unfortunately it hit a reef. Current Tank Info: 110 gallon reef display tank, fish, LPS, SPS and mushrooms. A 75 gallon sump in basement with protein skimmer, 40watt UV sterilizer, RO/DI, refugium with chaeto, phosban reactor. 40 gallon frag tank. |
11/17/2006, 02:59 PM | #8 |
Skunk Hybrid Freak
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Pasadena, MD. USA
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Thanks, I appreciate the response.
BTW, that's a huge sump for a 110 gallon! I should think the Snails will stay busy for a while.
- Walter D. LaRoque V "The tanks go or I go." - Ex Wife |
11/17/2006, 03:51 PM | #9 |
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My display is 110 gallons. I have a 75 gallon sump with a 6" DSB and 100 lbs of LR suspended above the sand on eggcrate. My sump is in the dark so no algae but lots of tube worms. My refugium is a 20 gallon tank with an eggcrate bottom suspended about 4" off the bottom of the tank with the eggcrate covered with a layer of coral rubble. The area under the eggcrate acts as an undisturbed benthic zone where lots of tube worms and sponges grow and many pods live and breed. You are correct that it won't take long for the Turbos to mow down the algae in my refugium.
My ship came in. Unfortunately it hit a reef. Current Tank Info: 110 gallon reef display tank, fish, LPS, SPS and mushrooms. A 75 gallon sump in basement with protein skimmer, 40watt UV sterilizer, RO/DI, refugium with chaeto, phosban reactor. 40 gallon frag tank. |
11/17/2006, 08:34 PM | #10 |
Skunk Hybrid Freak
Join Date: Oct 2005
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so as not to hijack the thread.... YGPM
- Walter D. LaRoque V "The tanks go or I go." - Ex Wife |
11/17/2006, 09:48 PM | #11 |
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Phosban reactor is the shizzle!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look for PURA phosphate remover.......its fine like ROWAPhos, but half the price. Finer than Phosban sized particles seem to remove more PO4 faster and last longer, you just have to adjust the inflow so that the particles barely "boil" or else they'll be released back into the sump or wherever u plumbed it. But water changes do the same thing really. I'm not sure which is more expensive salt or PO4 remover......would be interesting to try. BTW PURA also makes a nitrate remover that works so so in the phosban reactor. But when your talkin about nitrate thats a whole-nother ballgame!!